Research works
Keywords:(zbMath) Derived Algebraic Geometry, Homotopy Theory, Enumerative Algebraic Geometry, Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry, Motives, Higher Categories.
Gluing invariants of Donaldson-Thomas type II: Gluing Matrix FactorizationsSubmitted
Joint with Benjamin Hennion and Julian Holstein
Arxiv. -
Gluing invariants of Donaldson-Thomas type I: The Darboux StackSubmitted
Joint with Benjamin Hennion and Julian Holstein
Arxiv Slides Video
A Universal HKR Theorem
Gromov-Witten theory with derived algebraic geometry
Panorama et Synthèses, 2021. with Etienne Mann.
This is a survey for the Summer School "Etats de la Recherche" (Toulouse, June 2017).
The appendix section contains some new comparison results.
Arxiv. -
Motivic Realizations of Matrix Factorizations and Vanishing Cycles
A lemma for microlocal sheaf theory in the infinity-categorical setting
Brane actions, Categorification of Gromov-Witten theory and Quantum K-theory
K-Theory and the bridge from motives to non-commutative motives
Advances in Mathematics, 2015
Erratum The author thanks M. Hoyois for finding the error in the proof of Lemma 3.25. We provide a new proof to Thm 4.7 avoiding the Lemma.
Arxiv Part I, Arxiv Part II
- Habilitation thesis, 2024
Applications of derived algebraic geometry in enumerative geometry and invariants of singularities.
Slides (Requires Adobe for the animations) - PhD Thesis, 2014
Theorie Homotopique Motivique des Espaces non-commutatifs
University of Montpellier - supervision of Bertrand Toën
Introduction to derived algebraic geometry: the Apollonius-Toën circles
Derived Geometry and DT-theory (requires adobe)
Notes on Joyce’s Vertex algebras and moduli spaces, Skye 2023
Notes from winter school in DT theory , Aussois 2022
Introduction to infinity categories , Toulouse 2017;